Before I worked with Amy, I was extremely frustrated with my ADHD. I am attending a Physician Assistant program, which requires hours of studying and sitting in the classroom. I had always done well in school, however, only Amy understood what it was like to sit in a class room and want nothing else but to be able to listen and focus. I heard about hiring an ADHD coach, and after interviewing several coaches, I knew Amy was the one for me. She has worked with many successful clients, that sounded similar to me. Amy not only coached me with strategies to stay focused while studying, by playing to my strengths, she helped me in my day to day life. No longer, do I feel as though I’m running from one activity to another. Amy taught me to habitualize organizing my day and my life has taken on a more stream lined and organized out look.
I was amazed that I started out thinking she was going to only help me with focus and study techniques, and ended up with so much more. Having the systemized plan for my day and different study techniques has revolutionized my life. I thought that being unorganized was part of having ADHD. Amy dissolved that preconceived notion. I am so much happier now after working with Amy. I would recommend her to anyone wanting to improve their life in ways they never thought possible!!
Caroline, PA Student, Massachusetts
“The work we’ve done in Amy Voros groups has given me a whole new perspective on my professional relationships.  I’m able to take on better projects and bigger clients  with greater confidence and less friction.  Amy is doing important and valuable work for our community.â€
~Jason, Web Developer
“My experience with Amy has allowed me to find focus and clarity in situations that previously brought chaos and discord.
Amy’s coaching is a nice pairing with therapy. Not only do you understand why something happens, but you learn what to do to change what happens.â€
~Keith, Accounting
“IÂ met Amy during a certificate program at North Seattle Community College, we shared several classes together and had formed study groups for special projects. After learning of Amy’s expertise in ADHD I knew she would be a valuable colleague.
In today’s frantic world my household consisting of 2 kids ages 6 and 8 and my husband and I find it difficult to stay organized. My son is in 3rd grade this year where the learning changes dramatically from the other grades in what is expected of him. After receiving a not yet approaching
satisfactory level in most subjects I spoke with Amy on ways to work with my son’s natural learning style and help him stay engaged. I most recently, commissioned Amy to help with a science project telling her
the goal. She came to our house for a work party and kept my son engaged in being creative focusing on the topic at hand for almost one hour. Amy achieved all that I had hoped in a pain-free working style. My son enjoyed writing and testing a hypotheses all of which were required for this science project.
“Amy understands kids and has fun with what she is doing. I trust Amy completely and look forward to working with her in the future on such topics as story problem comprehension-a topic that I struggled with in school. As mentioned earlier, in this frantic world where socialization is priority, I want my children to get the most out of their education so they can achieve their dreams.”
~Barbara Carnovale, Seattle
“Amy’s been very helpful for my daughter with her math work, but when I started a new job at the same time my high school aged son began to get behind on his assignments, that’s when Amy really helped! She’s working with the 3 of us now – helping me manage our family’s transition from having a stay-at-hom mom to having a working mom, helping my son organize and track his school work and get his thoughts together for his writing assignments, and helping my daughter with her math. I couldn’t be juggling all of this without her!”
“Creative? Gifted? ADHD? Unique?
In the end, it doesn’t really matter. Amy is a proficient communicator, able to meet me at my
level and “speak my language”. I come out of our sessions with new perspectives, ideas and inspirations. Consequently, the skills I learned are seamlessly integrated to my everyday life.”
~Tommy, Medical Resident
I’ve simplified my cover-letter writing, which means I’m a tad speedier (read: I’m going through them in 10-20 minutes instead of 3 hours.) I was agonizing over these before because I thought I needed to get them perfect. Then I realized I just needed to get them to a point where a person reads them and goes “oh, this matches what we’re looking for”.
But this is great, and I don’t think I’d have been able to do it without going through the process of actually talking through it and formulating a “we need to do this here”. That, and the fact I need to send you this email, helps!
Jonathan, Software Engineer, Toronto, Canada
“You have a unique ability to get to the crux of a situation, problem or circumstance and find innovative solutions. Your intuitiveness is a gift that few share. Thanks so very much, it has been a real pleasure to work with you!â€
Sandy, Accounting Professional, Seattle WA
It’s amazing how working with someone motivates me to accomplish goals faster. You have helped give some good direction to my life goals and sparked conversations with my husband, which really helped us define some future plans, career and otherwise.
Freelance Editor, Utah
“I really enjoyed the coaching session I had with Amy. She was a great listener and helped me to clarify and deal with a current situation I was in. She asked the right questions and guided me to find the best solution for me. It was a rewarding experience! I would highly recommend Amy as a coach.â€
Joyce, PR Agency, Seattle WA
Amy was instrumental in supporting me as I moved through several deep emotional blocks and organized my world enough to get the vision I’d been holding for at least 10 years to the point of realization in the world. I can’t thank her enough for her wisdom, encouragement, and practical tools to help me connect my interior and exterior worlds.
SG, Entreprenuer, Seattle