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Are you looking to get more from your day? Want to avoid spending your precious time reading even more books on productivity? You may benefit from Pomodoro Sprints.

One of my favorite techniques for getting stuff done is Pomodoro Sprints. In fact, I have been running sprints to help myself over on YouTube Since November. You can find them all here: (https://www.youtube.com/user/echofire77/playlists?view=50&sort=dd&shelf_id=2)

This method simplifies time and task management with a single, simple tool: a timer. Try this effective step-by-step method for using this tool to maximize your productivity.

  1. Utilize a timer. It provides a sense of urgency and the knowledge that you’ll get a break soon. See how much you can get done in 25 minutes.
  2. Experiment with different intervals. Many people thrive with the traditional schedule of 25 minutes of work alternated with five-minute rest breaks. Others do well with 50 minutes of work and 10-minute breaks. See which works best for you. It’s important to experiment and be flexible in your approach.
  3. Ensure that you take a longer break every 90 minutes to two hours. This can be 15-30 minutes in length. It’s a good idea to move around. Get a drink of water or take a short walk. Avoid skipping this long break. It will really pay off later in the day!
  4. Avoid distractions. Part of the effectiveness of the technique is from focusing intently on the task at hand. Let others know you don’t want to be disturbed. Remember, you’re not doing anything but your work for the next 25 minutes.
  5. It can also work wonders at home. Set your timer and see how much housework you can get done in 25 minutes. Your children can use the technique for homework and studying. You’ll find that you can accomplish much more in 25 minutes than you ever thought.

More Specific Directions for Pomodoro Sprints:

  1. Choose Your Timer
    • The title, “Pomodoro Technique,” is based on the tomato-shaped kitchen timer, but any timer will do. You may benefit from a physical device that you can set and reset manually.
    • Alternatively, you may prefer a software application that offers greater automation. Personally-I use the TimeTimer App.
  2. Track Your Sessions
    • Use a sticky note, notepad, piece of scratch paper, or your computer.
    • A spreadsheet program such as Excel can work nicely.
    • Use checkboxes to track every session that you complete.
  3. Set Your Timer for 25 Minutes
    • While the timer is running, work without distractions.
    • A Pomodoro session can be stopped if you must, but it cannot be paused or restarted.
  4. Take A Quick Break
    • When the timer goes off, stop what you’re doing and take a break.
    • Your break should last at least 5 minutes, but not much longer.
  5. After 3-4 Sessions, Take a Longer Break
    • When you’ve completed four successful Pomodoro sessions, take a longer break.
    • Now is a good time for a 30-minute rest.
    • You may find it refreshing to have a snack, meal, or even a short nap to recharge before beginning again.

The Pomodoro Technique and How it can Help You Accomplish More
Would you like to get more done each day? Would you like to get a lot done and still feel refreshed when it’s time to go home? Many time management techniques have been developed over the years. Some are more effective than others.

Taking regular breaks gives your brain a chance to relax and reset. Knowing that you only have to work for a short period of time makes it much easier to stay engaged and motivated. The technique works well with intellectual, manual, and creative tasks.



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