
I recently hInline-NT JST logoad the chance to complete an exciting course  through JST Coaching on coaching teens and college students.  This skillet is a refinement of the ADHD coaching skill set that helps students create their own momentum and success with the outside accountability of a partner of their own choosing.

ADHD coaching takes the normal life coaching process and adds a more directed educational and self-discovery component around how executive functioning challenges show up in a student’s life.  With this knowledge, the coach and student  creates personalized structures to help them develop and bridge skill and memory lapses.  These may be around something as common as studying for a test and remembering to do laundry or as personalized as how to manage severe dyslexia and ADHD during your medical residency training.  (You might be surprised how many high-achieving individuals deal with different brain wiring!)

If you know a college student who could use additional support, or fit this criteria yourself, don’t hesitate to reach out to me or any other ADHD coach!




One response

  1. I love how the article said that the coach and student will create a personalized structure to help develop and bridge skill and memory lapses. I have been looking for a reason to get my 12-year-old son a coach to help him in school. I will be sure to ask if the coach plans on doing what I just read to help my son! http://susanlasky.com/

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