And today is one of those days. So many things I could talk about. Strengths? Doing things you love? Developments in the World of Creative Catapult Coaching? My massive undone “to do:” list?
Maybe today I just need to focus on what is exciting. Things are going well. There, I said it. So much writing on the internet is about what is inspiring, or what I am doing that is making a change in the world.
My thoughts for today? Things are going well. I’m doing things I find rewarding and because I’m happy doing things I’m passionate about and others are benefitting from my enthusiasm, it is suddenly not “wasted” time for all the things I’ve learned. Debrowski’s overexcitabilities? Was able to talk with a client about that this morning for another way to relate to her family. Being in service to others at my coworking space? It gets me the human connection that is easy to overlook in the rush to be productive. And not surprisingly, when I am happy, I GET MORE DONE. Duh. So why do I spend time focusingon things that don’t make me happy?  Good question, something to ponder this week.
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