
Part of signing up for this post-a-day for the month is to push myself in directions I don’t normally go.  Publicity is something I find intimidating.  Standing firm, like a light house, and letting others see what I do leaves me feeling vulnerable.  And gee, that would have nothing to do with liking to do things “right” and looking competent on the first try.  Letting go and standing in a place to be open and be seen is essential to making connections.  How else will someone know if they want to work with me if I’m not being authentic?

I can tell right from the get-go if someone is trying to sell me something and I usually hate it.  Because of that, it’s easier to let someone approach me, but I can’t be approached if I can’t be seen.  But, if I don’t want to be seen as incompetent, (the internal argument goes), why should I be seen until I have (just a little) more experience? (And this can be a very slow way to success…)

Where do you hold yourself back waiting to be better?  How’s it working?  Where can you push the boundary just a bit today?

So, I’m building a foundation of being seen and being available is the first step to connecting, so here I am:

Listen to my interview by Noomii

The Life Coach and Business Coach Experts | Noomii.com

The Coaching Experts



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